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About Us
Korean culture and History
Introducing Korean culture and history is our top priority.
We will create a book that introduces Korean cities in combination with history and that introduces the strengths of cities that can best express Korean culture. Then, we will create synergy by connecting to the field of media.In order to adapt and compete in various media environments, Baramgil will focus on competency such as e-book and audio book.It will also improve media UI through close communication with the readers.
We create cultural values through freedom, passion, and diversity.
Baramgil is working hard to introduce Korea¡¯s history and culture, and presenting cultural value through not only paper books but also various media such as e-books and audio books. With young publishers¡¯ passion and accumulated development knowledge, we will always stay besides the readers.
Company : ¹Ù¶÷±æ(BARAMGILBOOKS Company)
Type of Business : Publisher
What we do : We are making books that introduce Korea.
Vision : Creating cultural values through freedom, passion, and diversity
Owner: Soo Hyun Park
We stand with our readers with freedom, passion and diversity.


Baramgil presents cultural values by introducing Korean culture and history.


Baramgil thinks about easy books that readers can comfortably read.


Baramgil builds partnerships through cooperating with customers.


Baramgil advances with the reader with endless passion.